When you plan for retirement, you must have the right tools. What are the most important things that you need?
An emergency fund
Before you begin saving for retirement, create an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. This way, you will always have money available in a crisis and you won’t need to withdraw from savings or take a loan. Ideally, your emergency fund should cover at least 3-6 months’ worth of expenses. Keep this money liquid, in a bank account, so that you can withdraw it easily in a time of need. You might not earn much interest on it, but the purpose of this money is to be accessible in an emergency rather than growth.
It’s never too early to start saving for retirement. Even if you are just beginning your career, you need to put money aside into savings, in addition to maximizing contributions to your pension and other tax-deferred accounts. The earlier you start saving, the more chance you have for compound interest to work its magic.
A retirement dream
Retirement isn’t only about ending your employment. It’s also about the life you’ll lead when you no longer need to go to the office every day. Do you want to study, travel, or take up a hobby? When you have clear retirement goals in mind, you’ll know approximately how much it costs, and it’s that much easier to plan. Of course, life always throws unexpected surprises your way, so a good retirement plan also takes into account what might happen if your health-related expenses are more than anticipated, or the market doesn’t act as analysts predict. A flexible strategy is critical to retirement success.
A financial plan
To realize your retirement goals, you need to create a financial plan. Not only can a plan help you assess how much money you’ll need to save, but it can help you determine the proper asset allocation and investment model. Consult with a financial planner to assist you in formulating a strategy.
What other tools do you need to plan for retirement? Watch this 9-minute video to find out: Profile-Financial.com/videos/tools