
4 Minute Money

The “4 Minute Money Ideas” audio article is based on weekly articles that Douglas Goldstein, CFP® writes in “The Jerusalem Post.” In easy-to-understand language, Doug explains retirement planning, investment basics, how to invest an inheritance, and how to open a U.S. brokerage or IRA account when you live in Israel (or anywhere outside the United States). If you follow Doug’s investment advice in the newspaper, or whether you learn about financial planning and investing from his many books, you’ll enjoy these very short podcasts.
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Now displaying: August, 2017
Aug 31, 2017

How to Safely Boost Returns in a Low Interest Rate Environment
By Douglas Goldstein CFP®- helping olim handle their U.S. investments from Israel

To the dismay of yield-seeking investors, interest rates remain at historic lows. Although rates on long-term bonds may begin to inch up, analysts generally expect that we may remain in a low-interest-rate environment for a while longer. So, what are income investors to do? It is important to understand the risks of reaching for higher yields and realize there may be less risky ways to increase income.

It’s all about the Risk-Reward Relationship
When investing for any purpose, returns always boil down to the risk-reward relationship. The laws of investing dictate that it is very difficult to increase your return without also increasing your risk. While you can increase your yield by investing in lower-grade or longer-term bonds, you also increase your risk should interest rates suddenly rise. To learn more about how bonds react to interest rates, watch a short video at:

Income investors, especially retirees, want to generate cash. However, they also need to preserve their capital. By focusing on yield without regard to capital preservation, you increase your overall risk. In a low-interest-rate environment, the better strategy is to broaden your sources of income through total returns.

Forget about yields – look to total returns
“Total returns” is a strategy that invests in a combination of income and appreciation investments that, when allocated among different asset classes, can increase income while minimizing portfolio volatility. The goal is to generate sufficient current income while growing enough capital to keep up with inflation. A well-diversified portfolio of high-quality dividend stocks and investment-grade bonds can generate higher risk-adjusted returns more safely than a portfolio of the highest yielding, below investment-grade bonds.

Income investors do not have to suffer through an extended low-interest-rate environment. However, it does require a strategic approach tied directly to your specific risk-return profile. Working with a well-qualified investment advisor, just about any risk-return profile can be matched with a balanced and diversified total return portfolio strategy.

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Call (02) 624-2788 for a consultation about handling your U.S. investments from Israel. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates. Neither PRG nor its affiliates give tax or legal advice.

Aug 24, 2017

Secrets to a Financially Strong Marriage
By Douglas Goldstein, CFP® - helping you handle your American investments

Displayed prominently in our living room is a list titled, “Abba’s Secrets to Success” Now, as my oldest daughter is about to get married, I’ve compiled “Abba’s Secrets to a Financially Secure Marriage” for her and her groom. With their permission, I’d like to share it with you:

1. Be completely honest – Open communication is better than financial infidelity. Hidden spending not only damages your future goals but erodes trust. Discuss money regularly, not just when you have a big bill to pay.
2. Work on joint financial goals – Don’t fall into roles of good cop/bad cop where one of you wants to spend and the other wants to save. You’re merging your lives; now merge your money. There is no such thing as “my” money – no matter who brings home the paycheck, consider it “ours.”
3. Live below your means – Accumulating “stuff” is expensive. Create a budget and stick to it. Review your spending/saving goals regularly. And most importantly, ignore financial peer pressure to spend.
4. Make charity a priority –Get involved in tzedaka and make the world a better place.
5. Pay yourself first – You’ll grow old together; begin planning for it now. Compound interest and time are your new best friends. Make sure your savings is divided into three pots: an emergency fund, short-term, and long-term savings. Having an emergency fund is the best way to ensure that an unexpected problem won’t turn into a crisis.
6. Avoid debt – Make sure you have enough money saved before you buy. Avoid tashlumim! The only exception is taking on a mortgage (and then be careful not to buy a house that is too expensive.)
7. Find a financial advisor that you trust – Though I would be honored if you choose me, read the article at to make sure you select wisely.
8. Be detail-oriented - Pay your bills on time, file taxes, make sure you have insurance and healthcare directives.
Remember money is a tool to help you achieve great things, not an end in and of itself. Use it carefully and build well. And Mazel Tov!

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Call (02) 624-2788 for a consultation on how to set up your American assets to meet your financial goals. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates. Neither PRG nor its affiliates give tax or legal advice.

Aug 17, 2017

Do You Have to Stop Working When You Reach Retirement Age?

By Douglas Goldstein CFP® - helping olim handle their U.S. investments from Israel

Does reaching retirement age mean you have to stop working?

In Israel, the official retirement age for a man is 67. For women, it fluctuates between 60 and 62, depending on date of birth. Retirees until the age of 70 (or 69 for a woman born before 1950), are eligible for a state pension, but entitlement is affected by additional sources of income. From 70 onwards, a state pension is given regardless of other income.

So what is the best age to retire? Before making a decision, ask yourself the following questions:

Are you physically able?

As you age, your regular routine may become tiring. You may also develop health issues that make working full time difficult. So before you decide to keep on working, make sure that it’s realistic. In your retirement plan, make provisions for the possibility that future health problems may affect how long you can work.

Why do you want to keep working?

Do you want to keep working because you fear outliving your savings? If so, working as long as possible lets you amass more savings, and have fewer years of withdrawals.

But what if you don’t have to keep working for income? If your desire to keep working is based on factors such as wanting to maintain routine or enjoying the contact with your colleagues, there are other solutions. Perhaps you could work part-time or find a hobby that will provide a social life.

It’s not only about money

Before making your decision, meet with your financial planner, tax advisor, and pension planner to discuss your estimated streams of retirement income. At the same time take all relevant issues into account, and make your final decision after considering both the financial and emotional factors.

For more information about how to decide when to retire, read chapter 5 of The Retirement Planning Book.  Click here for a free download.

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Call (02) 624-2788 for a consultation about handling your U.S. investments from Israel. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates. Neither PRG nor its affiliates give tax or legal advice.


Aug 10, 2017

How to Prepare for the Next Stock Market Crash

By Douglas Goldstein CFP®- helping olim handle their U.S. investments from Israel

Over the past several years, the market has climbed to historic highs, prompting analysts to sound the alarm over the next stock market crash. While I can’t say when the next crash will occur, I can say it’s reasonable to assume that there will be another stock market drop at some point. How can you prepare for it?

Market crashes are inevitable
Crashes are more about the speed of decline than its depth or duration. The Flash Crash of 2010 saw the market plunge 1,000 points in minutes. In the 2008 crash, the market fell more than 20% within days. The good news is that each time the market crashed, it fully recovered and went on to greater gains. In 2010, it took a couple of days to recover, while in 2008 it took about 17 months. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Every bull market (market rally) leads to some sort of correction. Corrections are defined as declines of 10% to 20%, and they are very common during extended stock market rallies. They may last from a few weeks to a few months. A bear market is when stocks decline more than 20%, with a duration of more than 15 months.

Patience and discipline beat fear and panic
The key takeaway is that crashes, corrections, and bear markets are all parts of market cycles. These events are even healthy for the long-term trajectory of the market. So while it’s scary to watch your portfolio lose a significant portion of its value, keep in mind that these are only paper losses. These losses don’t become real until you sell. (That’s why it is important to move out of the market if you need your money in the short term, and don’t have time to recoup potential paper losses.)

If you have a solid, long-term investment strategy, your patience and discipline should pay off over the long-term. A properly diversified portfolio should be able to weather most storms, given enough time. For more on how to prepare your portfolio for a market crash, see:

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Call (02) 624-2788 for a consultation about handling your U.S. investments from Israel. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates. Neither PRG nor its affiliates give tax or legal advice.


Aug 3, 2017

Debunking 3 Myths About Not Needing an Emergency Fund
By Douglas Goldstein CFP®- helping olim handle their U.S. investments from Israel

One of the most fundamental principles of financial planning is to prepare for the unexpected by keeping three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. The trouble is many people succumb to the myth that emergency funds aren’t necessary because you can always withdraw from savings. Here are 3 myths about emergency funds and why they are wrong:

The best place to keep an emergency fund is in your investment portfolio
Yes, an investment account is technically marketable; and it can provide you with access to cash should you need it. However, you can lose real money if you are forced to sell assets at the wrong time. Imagine selling off $5,000 of your equities to cover an emergency expense after the market has declined 25%. It could take you years to gain that back. Better to have that money sitting in a low-yielding money market fund. Read this blog post to learn more about why investing your emergency fund is a bad idea:

Once I turn 59½ I can use my retirement plan
Yes, once you reach age 59½, the 10% penalty in your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) goes away. However, when you access your retirement account, the withdrawal is taxed as ordinary income. But the real issue is that it could put you into a higher tax bracket, which would be even more costly. Covering a $10,000 expense could require you to withdraw as much as $15,000 to cover taxes. While I do not give tax advice, it is important to keep tax considerations in mind when withdrawing funds.

It’s better to pay down debt than to save for an emergency fund

While paying down debt may be the best use of your excess cash flow in most situations, few would argue that it should be done at the expense of building an emergency fund. Without an emergency fund, you could end up taking on even more debt, which just compounds the problem. The better approach is to apply a portion of your cash flow to both eliminating debt and building an emergency fund.

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Call (02) 624-2788 for a consultation about handling your U.S. investments from Israel. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates. Neither PRG nor its affiliates give tax or legal advice.